Healthy You! Meditation

It is said that ailments and dis-ease stem from emotional imbalances. That can be impossible to grasp when faced with a serious illness. But what if it's true? This healing meditation will take you deep to heal the intricate layers of intermeshed emotions preventing you from being the healthiest version of YOU!  

What:  A 30 minute recorded guided meditation focused on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. We will release any deep rooted beliefs and patterns that are holding you in a unhealthy frame of mind.

When: Once it is downloaded you may listen anywhere and anytime, as many times as you like.  Please do not share this download, as it is specific to each individual who has made the purchase.

How: Click on the link. Download the session and allow yourself to receive the healing that is Divinely transmitted specifically for you. 

Go here to purchase


** This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician. 



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